esse semana eu estou trabalhando numa loja, aerografando desenhos nas paredes internas. hoje (8/fev/2006) comecou a chover forte por volta das 5 da tarde. lah pelas 6:30, eu jah tava cansado e jah estava quase no horario da academia, entaum eu fui ateh a janela conferir se jah tinha parado de chover, pois eu tava com um carro emprestado, e ele estava estacionado razoavelmente longe, e eu naum tava muito afim de me molhar. quando olhei pela janela (trata-se de uma janelinha pequena, que fica no segundo andar, onde eu estou pintando) eu vi que tinha alagado a rua, (coisa pouca... uns 30 cms) e pensei que seria melhor naum ir a academia aquele dia, e trabalhar ateh de noite, pois eu realmente naum tava afim de me molhar. enquanto pensava nisso, eu olhava os detalhes da rua... de repente reparei que lah na esquina tinha um carro parado com pisca-alerta aceso. ele parou atrapalhando um cruzamento. e um carro parado logo atras dele, (e esse sim estava NO MEIO do cruzamento). isso era do lado de um shopping, onde tem uma marquise onde muita gente estava ali embaixo se protegendo da chuva. (figura 1. visao que eu tive. seta mostra o carro com defeito, e os carros escurecidos sao os estacionados em ambos lados da rua) |
this week I am working on a store, airbrushing drawings on the inner walls. today (8/feb/2006) started to rain hard around 5p.m.. around 6:30p.m., I was tired and it was almost gym time. so I went to the window to check if the rain was stopped or not, cause I was using a boborrowed car, and it was parked a little far, and I didn't want to get wet. when I looked through the window (a little window, on the second floor, where I was paiting) I saw that the street was flooded, (nothing bad... about 12 inches/30 centimeters) and I thought it was gonna be better to not going to the gym that day, and keep on working to the evening, cause I really didn't want to get wet. while I was thinking about that, I was watching the details of the strees... suddenly I notice, there on the corner, was a car stopped (engine-dead by the rain) with the emergency/warning lights on. it stopped disturbing the a crossroads, and a car stopped RIGHT behind,(this one IN FACT and IN THE MIDDLE of the crossroads). this was happening beside a shopping mall, where there's a canopy, with a lot of people under it protecting themselves from the rain.(image 1. the sight I got. the arrow shows the stopped car, and the darkened cars was the parked ones on both sides of the street) |