Todas as imagens (com excessao do post "Piadas que soh os gatos alcancam") e palavras deste blog foram desenhadas e escritas por As. Obs.: As tem o habito de "naum" acentuar e adaptar algumas palavras, "naum" para assasinar o portugues, mas sim para evitar erros de linguagem entre computadores (Mac/PC/Linux...)
All images (except the post "Jokes only cats reach") and words of this blog are drawn, written and translated by Ace. Please note: English is not Ace's mother language, so forgive him for any grammatical mistake.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

♠ - Motivo pra ficar / Reason to stay

Este dialogo aconteceu ontem. Uma mocinha apareceu enquanto estava pintando.

A pessoa era real, o dialogo foi real, apenas o cenario eh fantasioso, pois se trata de lugares que me sinto a vontade, e eh pra lah onde minha conciencia vai quando estou inspirado.

This dialog happened yesterday. A lady appeared while I was painting.

The person was real, the dialog was real, only the background is fictitious, cause it is of places I feel confortable, and that is where my mind goes when I am inspired.

(for english readers. I am still translating the dialogs.. check back in a few days)

still translating